Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tamarind ( Asam Jawa )

Tamarind  ( Asam Jawa )
(Tamarindus indica, Linn.)

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a cultivar of tropical and including plants fruiting pods. The trunk hard enough to grow into a big and shady leaves. The trunk hard enough to grow into a big and shady leaves. Long-stemmed leaves tamarind, about 17 cm and finned even. The flowers are yellow and fruit reddish brown pods with a distinctive sour taste. In addition there is the fruit pod of skin that encloses the fruit flesh, there are also seeds amounted to 2-5 in the form of flat to slightly blackish brown color.

Local Name:
Tamarind (UK), Tamarinier (France),; Asam Jawa (Indonesia), Celangi, Asem (Sunda); Asem (Java);
CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Fruit tamarind pods contain chemical compounds such as Appel acid, citric acid, sour grapes, tartaric acid, succinic acid, pectin and sugar invert. Tamarind fruit that ripen on the tree of them contain the caloric value of 239 cal per 100 grams, 2.8 grams protein per 100 grams, 0.6 grams of fat per 100 grams, 62.5 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams, calcium 74 milligrams per 100 grams, 113 milligrams of phosphorus per 100 grams, 0.6 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, vitamin A 30 SI per 100 grams, vitamin B1 0.34 milligrams per 100 grams, 2 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams. The skin contains the seed and the seed containing albuminoid phlobatannnin and starch.

Curable Disease:
Asthma, cough, fever, heat pain, rheumatic, abdominal pain, morbili; Allergy / biduren, Sprue, new wounds, sores ulcers, eczema, boils, swelling stung by centipedes / bee, snake bites, Hair loss;

1. Asthma
    Ingredients: 2 pieces of tamarind bark, fennel
    How to make: two ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water
    to boiling, then filtered.
    How to use: drink 2 times a day

2. Hacking cough
    Ingredients: 3 pod tamarind fruit, ½ handful sage leaves
    How to make: two ingredients are boiled in 4 cups water
    to boil down to 1 cup and filtered
    How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

3. Fever
    Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves, fennel
    How to make: two ingredients are boiled with ½ liter of water
    to boiling, then filtered
    How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

4. Fever
    Ingredients: 2 tamarind fruit pods that have been cooked, salt
    to taste
    How to make: both ingredients with 1 cup hot water
    then filtered
    How to use: plain drunk
    Note: for pregnant women should not drink this recipe

5. Rheumatic
    Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves, 2-3 tamarind seeds
    How to make: both ingredients finely ground
    How to use: used to compress the affected part

6. Stomach ache
    a. Ingredients: 3 pods of tamarind fruit is ripe, whiting
       and eucalyptus oil to taste
       How to make: all ingredients are thoroughly mixed
       How to use: used as a liniment, especially
       on the abdomen

    b. Ingredients: 3 pod tamarind fruit, 1 piece of palm sugar
       How to make: both ingredients with 1 cup hor water
       then filtered
       How to use: plain drunk

     c. Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods, 1 turmeric rhizome of the mother
        finger, 1 slice of coconut sugar
        Method: Turmeric shredded, then mixed with the material
        other ingredients and brewed with 1 cup hot water, then
        How to use: plain drunk

7. Morbili
    Ingredients: 1-2 pieces of tamarind fruit that has been cooked, 2 rhizome
    Turmeric for thumb
    Method: grated turmeric, then the two materials
    thoroughly mixed
    How to use: used as a powder / ointment for
    patients morbili

8. Allergy / Biduren (Java)
    Ingredients: 2-3 golong tamarind fruit which has an old, salt
    to taste, ¼ tsp whiting.
    How to make: all the ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water
    to boil down to 2 cups and filtered
    How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

9. Sprue
    Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods, 2 ginger rhizome of thumb
    1 slice of coconut sugar
    How to make: all the ingredients are boiled until boiling
    down to 1 cup, and then filtered
    How to use: plain drunk

10. New Injury
     Ingredients: tamarind leaves to taste
     Method: tamarind leaf chewed until creamed
     How to use: placed on the wound

11. Ulcer wound
     Material: Some tamarind seeds
     Method: finely ground tamarind seed
     How to use: attached to the wound, then bandage

12. Eczema and Boils
     Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves are still young, 2 turmeric rhizome of thumb
     How to make: both ingredients until finely ground
     How to use: affixed on the sick

13. Swollen from a bee sting or a centipede
     Ingredients: 3-5 seeds tamarind and eucalyptus oil to taste
     Method: finely ground tamarind seed
     How to use: the swelling cleaned
     first with a cloth moistened with eucalyptus oil,
     then sprinkled / plastered with tamarind seed powder

14. Preventing hair loss
     Material: Some tamarind seed
     How to use: before shampooing with a shampoo, head
     first applied

Monday, May 30, 2011

Centella asiatica ( Pegagan )

Centella asiatica ( Pegagan )
(Centella asiatica (Linn), Urb.)
 Hydrocotyle asiatica, Linn. = Pasequinus, Rumph.

Wild herb, found throughout Indonesia, originating from tropical Asia. Prefers a slightly moist soil and getting enough sun or shade, such as in pastures, riverbanks, rice fields, and so forth. Sometimes planted as ground cover plants in plantations or as a vegetable (as lalab), there are up to a height of 2,500 m above sea level. Centella asiatica is a chronic herb without stems, but with short rhizome and stolon-creeping stolon length 10 cm - 80 cm, roots out of every hump, much branched to form a new plant. Single leaf blade, long-stemmed around 5 cm - 15 cm-shaped kidney. Jagged edges, with a cross section 1 cm - 7 cm arranged in a rosette consisting of 20-10 pieces of leaf, sometimes a bit hairy. Flowers white or pink, arranged in the form of an umbrella arrangement, single or 3-5 together out of the armpit leaves. Flower stalk 5 mm - 50 mm. Fruit small oval shapes depend / flat length from 2 to 2.5 mm, smells fragrant and tastes bitter.

Local Name:
Leaves Legs Horse (Indonesia), Pegaga (Ujung Pandang); Antanan Gede, Antanan vines (Sunda), Dau Tungke (Bugis), Centella asiatica, Gagan, Gagan, Rendeng, scrape shell (Java); Kos Tekosan (Madura), Kori- kori (Halmahera);
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effects: Taste sweet, cool. Anti-infection, antitoxic, fever, laxative urine. CHEMICAL CONTENT: Asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, meso-inositol, centellose, carotenoids, mineral salts such as salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vellarine, tannic substances. Compound triterpenoida glycoside called asiaticoside and similar compounds, having efficacy of anti leprosy (Morbus Hansen),
Curable Disease:
Hepatitis, Measles, Fever, tonsillitis (Tonsilis), sore throat, bronchitis, urinary tract infections and stones, red eyes, Hemorrhoids; poisoning, vomiting blood, coughing blood, nosebleeds, worms, leprosy;
PART USED: Whole plant.

1. Infectious hepatitis, measles (measles).
2. Fever, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), sore throat, bronchitis.
3. Infections and urinary system stones.
4. Gelsemium elegans Poisoning, arsenic.
5. Vomiting blood, coughing blood, nosebleed.
6. Red eyes, hemorrhoids.
7. Abdominal pain, intestinal worms, increase appetite.
8. Leprosy.

USAGE: 15 - 30 grams of Centella asiatica fresh, boiled, drinking. Or crushed, squeezed, drinking water.

EXTERNAL USE: crushed, taped to the affected part. Used for: bite, snakes, ulcers, bleeding wounds, tuberculosis skin.

1. Piss turbid (due to infection / stones urinary system):
    30 grams of Centella asiatica fresh boiled with rice washing water from the second rinsing.

2. Difficult urination: 30 grams of Centella asiatica fresh crushed, paste in the navel.

3. Fever:
    Handful of fresh pounded leaves of Centella asiatica, then add a little water and salt, strain. Taken in the morning before eating.

4. High blood pressure:
    20 sheets Indian pennywort leaves plus 3 cups water, boiled until
    become 3/4-nya. A day drink 3 x 3 / 4 cup.

5. Hemorrhoids:
    Centella asiatica stem 4-5 following their roots with 2 cups boiling water
    for ± 5 minutes. Drinking this decoction for several days.

6. Swelling of the liver (liver):
    240 grams - 600 grams of boiled fresh gotu kola, drink regularly.

7. Measles: 60 -120 grams of Centella asiatica boiled, drinking

8. Boils:
    30 grams - 60 grams of Centella asiatica fresh boiled, drunk. Centella asiatica fresh
    washed, crushed affixed to the sick.

9. Red eyes, swollen:
    Centella asiatica fresh washed, crushed, squeezed, filtered water.
    Drop into the eyes of a sick 3-4 times a day.

10. Coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds:
     60-90 grams of Centella asiatica fresh boiled, or squeezed, water is taken.

11. Dry cough:
     a handful of crushed fresh Centella asiatica, wring it out. Plus water
     and rock sugar to taste. Drink.

12. Leprosy:
     3 / 4 handheld Pegagan washed and boiled in 3 cups of water,
     to be three quarters of his. Strain and drink after a cold, a day 3 x 3 / 4 cup.

13. Appetite enhancer:
     1 handful of fresh leaves of Centella asiatica with 2 cups boiling water until
     to 1 cup. Drink 1 cup a day.

14. Centella asiatica fresh leaf tea efficacious:
     Generation of appetite, refreshing body, calming,
     reduce heat, dry cough, removing worms in the stomach,

15. Lalaban Centella asiatica fresh nutritious:
     Cleaning the blood, especially in ulcers, bleeding ulcers.
     Increase the bile, which improves the disturbance

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Eclipta alba ( Urang-Aring )

(Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.)
= Eclipta prostrata (Linn.) = E.
et marginata alba, Boiss. = E. et prostratan erecta, Linn. = E. erecta, Linn. = E. parcifloran Wall. = E. philippinensis Gandog. = E. thermalis Bunge - Verbesina alba, Linn.
Compositae (Asteraceac) 

Many-stemmed wild plant species, growing in the open like the roadside, field, edge of the gutter, from the coast up to a height of 1500 m.
above sea level. Plant height reached 80 cm., Grow upright position sometimes lie. Stem round, green brown, somewhat rough-haired white. Green leaf elongated oval shape, leaf tip pointed, finely serrated edge or nearly flat, both surfaces hairy leaves, feels a bit rough. Hump-shaped compound interest small white color. The fruit is elongated, flat, hard and hairy.

Local Name:
Goman, urang aring (Java), te-lenteyan (Madura); Daun Sipat, keremak janten (Sumatra), Daun Tinta (Banda); Mo han lian (China).;
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effects: Sweet, sour, cool. Stop the bleeding. (Hemostatic), lower the heat (antipyretic), anti-poison (antitoxic). This herb into liver and kidney meridians. 

CHEMICAL CONTENT: Ecliptine, AlfaTerthienylmethanol, 2 - (Buta-1 ,3-diynyl) -5 - (but-3-en-1-ynyl) thiophene, 2 - (Buta-1 ,3-diynyl) -5 - (4 -Chloro-3-hydroxybut-1-ynyl) thiophene, 5 - (3-butene-1-ynyl) -2.2 '-bithienyl-5'-methyl acetate, wedelolactone. 

Curable Disease:
Vomiting blood, nosebleeds, blood urine, dysentery, hepatitis, diarrhea, uterine bleeding, Poor nutrition,
leucorrhoe / pek tai, gray; 

PART USED: Whole plant, fresh or dried.

1. Stopping bleeding in vomiting blood (hematemesis),
    coughing up blood (hemoptoe), nosebleed (epistaxis), blood urine
    (Hematuria), blood stools (melena), bleeding of the uterus (uterine
2. Chronic hepatitis, diarrhea,
3. Poor nutrition in children (infantile malnutrition).
4. Whitish (leucorrhoe)
5. Graying hair (gray) at a young age.
6. Neurasthenia.

USE: 30-120 grams fresh. Or dried used

Crushed fresh herbs affixed to a hospital, or
fresh herbs boiled, to wash in: Eczema, tinea pedis (fungus), ulceration (including ulceration in the head), wound bleeding, swollen gums, hair fertilizer.
1. Swollen gums:
    Fresh baked until dry, made by powder (with
processing). Apply powder to the place of the sick.

2. Hair fertilizer:
    1 handful of crushed leaves eclipta alba, plus 2 cups water,
    strain. Water filters are condensed one night.
    How to use: with a moistened scalp massage, daily

3. Sores on the head:
    Eclipta alba sufficiently boiled, the water to wash the head,
    the waste is rubbed into sores. Or
    crushed fresh herbs, water applied to the sore feelings.

1. Pek Tay (keputihan)
    30 grams fresh alba eclipta plus juice (broth), chicken steamed and drink.

2. Nosebleed:
    1 handful fresh alba eclipta washed, then crushed, squeezed.
    Water feelings plus 5 cup of water, steamed so hot.
    Drink 2 times a day, after meals.

3. Diarrhea: 30 grams fresh alba eclipta boiled, drinking.

4. Coughing blood:
    Alba eclipta 60 grams of fresh crushed, squeezed.
    Feelings of warm water poured boiling water, drink.

5. Vomiting blood:
    120 grams crushed fresh herbs, water, water plus feelings
    sufficiently small boy urinating, drinking.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum (Lour.)

Daun Dewa 
(Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.) 
= Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. 
= G. pseudo-china DC. = G. divaricata DC. = G. ovalis DC. = Senecio L. divarigata 

Annual herb, erect, ± 50 cm tall, generally planted in the garden as a medicinal plant. 
Young stems green with elongated grooves tengguli color, if a bit old branched lot. Single leaf, having stalks, ovate to rounded shape lengthwise. Edge taper. Old leaves very deep divide. Leaves mostly clustered at the bottom, somewhat rare in the tip of the stem, alternate location. Both leaf surfaces smooth haired, white color. The color of the leaf surface dark green, light green bottom. Leaves 8-20 cm long. width 50-10 cm. Flowers is located at the end of the stem, hump-shaped yellow (flower heads). Having colored bulbs to ash-gray, 3-6 cm long., With the cross-section ± 3 cm. 

Local Name: 
Beluntas china, leaf god (Sumatra), Samsit; San qi cao (China).; 
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effect: Neutral, distinctive flavor.Anti-coagulant, blood coagulant, stimulating circulation, stop the bleeding.Eliminate heat and cleanse toxins. 
CHEMICAL CONTENT: Saponins, essential oils, flavonoids. 
Curable Disease: 
Injuries hit, Bleeding, coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, throat infections, do not come menstruation, bitten by venomous animals; Coagulation of blood, broken bones, bleeding after childbirth; 
PART USED: Whole plant. 

Injuries hit hard, circulation, stop bleeding (Coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds), breast swelling, throat infection, did not come menstruation, bitten by venomous animals. 

Removes blood clot (haematom) swelling, broken bones (fractures), bleeding after childbirth. 

USAGE: 15-30 grams of fresh leaves, boiled or ground and then blackmailed, drinking. 

EXTERNAL USE: This plant taste like crushed to pulp, attached to the affected part. 

Bitten by a snake / bitten by another animal: 
     Bulbs are crushed and then placed in the bitten part. 

     5 pieces of crushed Daun Dewa, and dabbed at the place 
     warty, and then bandaged. 
Released the next day. 

Injuries hit hard, do not come menstruation: 
    15-30 grams boiled or ground herbs, take water, mixed 
    with wine that has been boiled, drinking. 

Bleeding in women, breast swelling, coughing and 
   vomiting of blood: 
    1 (one) full bar (15 grams) boiled, drinking. 

Seizures in children: 
    1 stick pounded take the water, mixed with wine, Drinks. 

Injuries hit hard, cold: 
    6-9 grams of fresh tuber plus yellow wine (wong ciu) to taste, 
    then heated, drink. 

Zingiber (Bangle)

Zingiber  (Bangle)
(Zingiber purpureum Roxb.)
Zingiber cassumunar, Roxb.

Bangle grows in tropical Asia, from India to Indonesia. In Java, cultivated or planted in the yard on the places that get enough sunlight, ranging from lowland to 1300 m dpi. In flooded or muddy soil, its growth will be disturbed and rhizome rot quickly. Herba season, grow upright, 1 to 1.5 m tall, forming a rather dense clumps, trunked virtual, composed of leaf midrib hairy edge brush tip. Single leaf, alternate location. Leaf blade oblong, thin, pointed tip, base obtuse, the edge of the flat, smooth-haired, rarely, pertulangan pinnate, 23-35 cm long, 20-40 mm wide, it's green. The flowers are compound interest, the form of bunches, exit at the end of the rod, the length of the handle up to 20 cm. The part that contains flower shapes such as oval or spindle, 6-10 cm long, 4-5 cm wide. Leaf petals arranged like a thick scales, petals form a tube, three serrated edge, bright red color. Flower lips elongated round shape, white or pale color. Bangle has a creeping rhizome and fleshy, the shape is almost round to oblong or irregular, 2-5 mm thick. Outer surface is not flat, wrinkled, sometimes with shredded leaves, yellowish brown color, when young yellow split until golden brown. It was not tasty, spicy and bitter. Bangle classified as herbs that have medicinal properties. Harvest is done after the plants one year old. Propagation by rhizome cuttings.

Local Name:
Panglai (Sunda), bengle (Java), pandhiyang (Madura).; Mugle, bengle, Bungle, baglai, baniai, banglai, bunglai,; Bangle, kunit bolai, turmeric bolai (Sumatra), banggele (Bali),; Bale, Panini, manglai, manguiai, bangerei, wangelei, walegai,; kukuniran, kukundiren, unin makei, unin pakei, bangle, bongle;
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effect: Rhizome distinctive aromatic smell, taste slightly bitter and somewhat spicy. Fever (anti piretik), laxative fart (carminative), push sputum (expectorant), blood purifier, laxative (laksan), de-worming (vermifuge). CHEMICAL CONTENT: Rhizome: essential oil (cineol, pinen), resin, starch, tannin.
Curable Disease:
Fever, headache, cough, stomach aches, colds, constipation, jaundice, worms, rheumatic, medicinal herbs, obesity; Decrease the abdomen after childbirth;
PART USED: Rhizome, leaf.
- Fever, headache.
- Cough with phlegm.
- Stomach pain, common colds.
- Constipation.
- Jaundice.
- Worms.
- Rheumatism.
- Medicinal herb in women after childbirth.
- Decrease the abdomen after childbirth.
- Obesity.

• No appetite.
• Stomach feels full.

To drink: 1/2-3.jari rhizome, boiled.
External use. Rhizome sufficiently washed and then shredded used as a poultice or cream on headache, stiff, shrink the stomach after giving birth, and so forth.

1. Fever, colds.
    15 g fresh rhizome bangle washed and shredded. Add 1 / 2
    cup hot water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stirred evenly ago
    squeezed and filtered, drinks. Perform 2 times daily.

2. Stomach mules:
    Bangle rhizome, ginger rhizome, kencur and lempuyang wangi,
    each 1 / 2 finger hand washed and thinly sliced. Boiled
    with 1 cup water until the remaining 1 / 2 cup. After cold
    strained, and drunk.

3. Headaches due to fever:
    Fresh ginger to taste washed and shredded. Add
    a little water until it becomes dough like mush. Used as
    pilis on the forehead.

4. Jaundice:
    1 / 2 finger rhizome bangle washed and shredded. Add water
    cook and honey each 1 tablespoon. Squeeze and strain,
    drinking. Perform 2 times daily.

5. Joint pain (Rheumatism):
    Taste of fresh ginger grated Ialu washed, add wine
    until it becomes dough like watery porridge. then dabs on
    joint pain.

6. Shrink the stomach after giving birth:
    Rhizome bangle sufficiently washed and shredded, dabs on

7. Worms:
    3 finger rhizome bangle, 2 finger black meeting, 5 and 5 pieces of coriander seeds
    betel leaf stalks are washed and sliced ​​thinly, then pounded
    smooth. Add 1 / 2 cup cooking water, then stirred evenly
    squeezed and filtered. Drink.

8. Inflammation of the eye mucus seiaput:
    Bangle rhizome and turmeric for 1 book and 13 points fingers
    black cumin washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled
    with 1 cup water until the remaining half. After
    chilling filtered, drinks.

9. Overweight / reducing body fat:
a. A piece of rhizome bangle and 7 Dutch identity leaves washed
       then boiled with 1.5 cups water until remaining 1 glass.
       After chilling filtered, divided for 2 times drinks.
Morning and

b. 1 / 2 finger rhizome bangle, half finger rhizome Intersection dribbles, 3 / 4 fingers
       rhizome lempuyang Wangi, 1 / 4 handheld yellow leaves, 1 / 4
       handheld leaf of Dutch Teak, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and quartered
       pieces as needed.
Boil with 4 1 / 2 cup water until
       1/2-nya remaining. After chilling filtered, drinks. One day 3 x 3 / 4

    c. Bangle rhizome and rhizome of black meeting, each 1 / 2 finger
       hand, washed and shredded.
Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice
       juice and 2 tablespoons of honey, toss with a squeezed-
squeezed. Squeeze and strain, drink. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Garlic (Bawang Putih)

Garlic  (Bawang Putih)
(Allium sativum, Linn.) 

Synonyms: -


Garlic (allium sativum), including the genus afflum or in Indonesia, commonly known as Bawang Putih. Garlic plants including classification bulbous herb layer or a composite cloves. Garlic grow and stand upright to a height of 30 -75 Cm, have a rod that is formed from pseudo-midrib leaf midrib. Strands of ribbon-like leaves, flattened and elongated shape. The roots of garlic made up of tiny fibers that amounted to much. And each garlic bulb consists of a number of children onions (cloves)
 that each of his cloves wrapped in a thin skin is white. Garlic is a plant originally highlands, is now in Indonesia, certain types cultivated in the lowlands. Garlic is well developed in land elevation ranges from 200-250 meters above sea level. 
1. Terms Grows a. Climate • Elevation: 600 m - 1200 m above sea level • Annual rainfall: 800 mm - 2,000 mm / year • In wet (above 100 mm / month): 5 months - 7 months • In dry (below 60 mm / month): 4 months - 6 months • Air Temperature: 150 C - 200 C • Humidity: High • Radiation: medium b. Land • Type: gromosol (Ultisol). • Texture: sandy clay (loose) • Drainage: good • Groundwater Depth: 50 cm - 150 cm from ground level • rooting depth: above 15 cm from ground level • Acidity (pH): 6 to 6.8 • Fertility: high
2. A. Planting Guidelines 
Soil Processing• Make a ditch or trench with a width of 30 cm - 40 cm, in 30 cm - 60 cm. Soil excavation is used for beds as wide as 60 cm - 100 cm, length adapted to the needs, and hoeing as deep as 15 cm - 30 cm. • After 10 days - 15 days hoeing back up to form a smooth lump, then given manure 10 tons - 15 tons / hectare. • A day before planting, beds wetted. b.Preparation Seeds • Seeds derived from plants are quite old (85 days - 135 days), healthy and not disabled. • Seeds are stored in a dry room about 5 months - 8 months suspended on the rack. • Noon to seed tubers derived from the weight of 5 g - 7.5 g / tuber. c. Planting • Make the planting hole as deep as 3 cm - 4 cm with Tugal. • Plug seedling with upright position, the tip of cloves on top and ¾ part embedded in the ground cloves. • Sprinkle finely ground and cover evenly with the straw after 3 cm. • Plant spacing 10 cm x 10 cm or 15 cm x 10 cm

Local Name:
Garlic (UK), Bawang Putih (Indonesia), Bawang (Java); Bawang Bodas (Sunda), Bawang handak (Lampung); Kasuna (Bali), Lasuna Pute (Bugis), Bhabang Pote (Madura); Bawa bodudo (Ternate) , Kalfeo foleu (East); 

CHEMICAL CONTENT: The garlic bulb per 100 grams contains: - protein at 4.5 grams. - 0.20 grams of fat - carbohydrate 23, 1 0 g, - 0.22 milligrams of vitamin B 1, - 1 5 milligrams of vitamin C, - calories 95 calories, - phosphorus 134 mg, - 42 miligrain calcium. - 1 milligram of iron and water - 71 grams. In addition, several studies of garlic bulbs contain the active substance awcin, awn, alinase enzymes, germanium, sativine, sinistrine, selenium, scordinin, nicotinic acid. 

Curable Disease:
Hypertension, Asthma, Cough, Cold, Headache, jaundice, shortness of breath,edema of water, hemorrhoid, constipation, bruise, abscess; sharps injuries, insect bites, worms, Difficulty sleeping (insomnia);
1. Hypertension
    a. Ingredients: 3 cloves garlic,
       Method: finely ground garlic and squeezed with
       enough water, filtered.
       How to use: taken regularly every day.

    b. Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic; 
       Method: garlic roasted with fire;
       How to use: eaten every morning for 7 days.

2. Asthma, coughs and colds
    Ingredients : 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon honey and rock sugar taste;
    Method: finely crushed garlic, then mixed together with other ingredients until evenly distributed and pressed / filtered; 
    How to use: drink every morning to recover.

3. Headache
    Ingredients: garlic bulb;
    Method: finely ground garlic bulb;
    How to use: to compress on the forehead.

4. Jaundice, shortness of breath and edema of water
    Ingredients: 1 bulb garlic, 1 piece of sugar cube of chicken eggs
    Method: finely crushed garlic bulbs, then second
    ingredients are boiled together with 3 cups water to boil
    and swirled until flattening, and filtered; 
    How to use: drink 2 times a day 2 tablespoons, morning and 

5. Hemorrhoid
    Ingredients: garlic bulb;
    Method: finely ground garlic bulb, and blackmailed
    to take water;
    How to use: smeared around the anus each day.

6. Constipation
    Ingredients: yogurt, garlic and onion to taste;
    Method: The second material is finely ground, pressed for
    take water, then thoroughly mixed and filtered;
    How to use: drink 2 times a day.

7. Contusion due to stab or blow
    Ingredients: white onion and 1 tablespoon of honey;
    Method: finely crushed garlic, then given 1
    spoon of honey and thoroughly mixed; 
    How to use: smeared on the wound.

8. Sharps injuries rusty taxable
    Ingredients: bulb of garlic and coconut oil to taste;
    Method: garlic bulbs were burned, and then dipped into
    in coconut oil and finely ground;
    How to use: smeared on the wound.

9. Accelerate the maturation of swollen abscess
    Ingredients: garlic bulb;
    Method: garlic bulb is heated with oil paint,
    then finely ground;
    How to use: placed on the swelling.

10. To remove the shattered glass, wood or thorns
     Ingredients: garlic bulb;
     Method: finely ground garlic bulb;
     How to use: attached to the possessed baglan
     shattered glass, wood or thorns. 

11. Insect sting
     Ingredients: garlic bulb, sendowo and salt to taste;
     Method: finely crushed garlic bulbs, then
     mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed;
     How to use: applied to any body part that stung

12. Getting rid of pinworms and stomach worms
     ingredients: a few cloves of garlic ;
     Method: peeled and washed;
     How to use: eaten directly.

13. Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
     Material: a few cloves of garlic;
     Method: peeled and washed;
     How to use: eaten immediately before bed.